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Membership level
Regular Member
- $49.95 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 15th
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
This membership level auto-renews each year on July 15th. Includes: the Reading Companion, monthly audio resources, ongoing access to members-only features, members-only podcasts, and a beautiful bookmark with the year’s artwork and booklist.
Optional text messages notifications to your phone to help you access the monthly audios and podcasts
Bonus materials such as interviews, articles, and videos to help us go deeper into the year’s selections. This level will automatically renew each year.
- $500.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 15th
No automatically recurring payments
Patrons receive all of the benefits of Sustaining Members and handcrafted Well-Read Mom mug.
- $1,000.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 15th
No automatically recurring payments
Benefactors receive all of the benefits of Patrons and a set of ten children's books from our Family Supplement.
You’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing that your membership includes a tax-deductible donation that financially supports the ongoing work of Well-Read Mom.
International Member
- $49.95 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 15th
No automatically recurring payments
This membership is for our English-speaking international members. International members will receive DIGITAL copies of our Reading Companion and Summer Magazine. If you’d like to receive print copies, please register and then contact us to make shipping arrangements and verify international postage rates.
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