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Well-Read Mom at the New York Encounter

  • 15 Feb 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W 18th St., NYC - Main Floor Auditorium

Registration is closed

Witnesses on the enduring importance of family with J.D. Flynn, editor-in-chief, Catholic News Agency and Sarah Hemminger, founder and CEO of Thread, and Matteo Stohlman, software engineer in a DC real estate startup. moderated by Marcie Stokman, founder of Well-Read Mom.

The 2020 New York Encounter will explore how we can break out from the ideological schemes that dominate our culture and separate us from one another. It will also explore how the “rediscovery" of reality is a necessary premise to find unity with ourselves, with those near us and with our larger national community. This cannot be sustained, however, without being in a trusting relationship with someone who can guide us, like a father or a mother, a friend, or an authority. From this perspective, there is a growing renewed awareness of the relevance of family, not necessarily limited by DNA, as the ideal place where one’s humanity can flourish. Speakers will show meaningful examples of this rediscovery and the type of relationship that can be offered to young people in order for them not to become prey to any dominant ideology.

Free and open to the public.

This event is sponsored by Benedictine College in Kansas.

More information can be found at: www.newyorkencounter.org.

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